5 Water Heater Maintenance Tips

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Your home water heater can provide you with comfort during those remaining cool winter days. And so it’s important to commit to a comprehensive maintenance regimen to ensure the water heater is performing to optimal capacity. By understanding how the technology works and adopting expert maintenance techniques, you can save significant money on your home heating costs. Here, we’ll outline five of the leading water heater maintenance tips.

1. Drain the Tank a Few Times a Year

Sediment and debris can settle within your water heater, preventing it from reaching optimal energy efficiency levels. This means it’s important to drain the equipment several times a year to ensure contaminants are removed from the system. To drain the system, turn off the cold water supply and then hook up a garden hose to the drain valve. You can then run the water into a bucket until the water coming from your system is clear.

2. Annually Test the Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve

The water heater’s temperature-pressure relief valve is designed to protect the system from excess pressures and temperatures. A buildup of deposits on the valve seats can cause the system to malfunction. That’s why it’s important to test the temperature-pressure relief valve annually by quickly discharging it two or three times.

3. Maintain the Thermostat at 120 Degrees Celsius

120 degrees Celsius is the optimal water heater temperature. Maintaining your system at this temperature can help you save significant amounts in energy costs. It will also reduce the inherent safety risks of having scalding hot water within the property.

4. Insulate Older Units

For those older systems that are diminishing in capacity over time, you might be able to recuperate them by insulating the system with a fiberglass jacket. This fiberglass jacket can help retain heating efficiency and maximize performance for years to come.

5. Consult with a Specialist to Review On-Going Problems

It’s important not to ignore small errors within your hot water system. Whether it’s a small leak or a drop in heating performance, these small errors could be indicative of larger and more dangerous issues within the home. Contact a specialist directly if your water heater continues to suffer maintenance problems over several months.

Through a commitment to proactive maintenance, homeowners can reduce their home heating costs and maximize the performance of their residential equipment. To learn more on how to achieve optimal home heating efficiency, contact our expert team today!

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