Plumbing Problems: Conservation is Key for Lower Water Bills

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If you’re looking to reduce your plumbing problems of high water bills (as there’s unfortunately no way to avoid them entirely)–conservation is key.

Water conversation isn’t just easier on your wallet, it’s also easier on the environment, and let’s face it good ole Mother Nature could use a break. We’ve put her through enough.

Plumbing Problems Solution: How to Lower your Water Bills
To help you lower your water bills (and give Mother Nature a much-needed slight break), follow these 5 tips below:

1. Check for Drips

Checking your toilet and faucets for drips and leaks might sound like a drop (of water) in the hat—but it does make a difference. To put this in perspective, a faucet that leaks just 12 drips in a minute will waste 6.5 litres of water every day—which amounts to 200 litres every month. And leaky faucets can drip far more than 12 drops an hour, as the average leaky faucet will lose on average, about 5,000 litres of water every year!

To calculate your drip-to-loss ratio, here is a handy-dandy calculator:

2. Shorten the Showers

Long showers are the largest waste of residential water loss there is—especially if you haven’t installed a low-flow shower head. To highlight the difference, a 15-minute shower without a low-flow head will use about 150 litres of water. One with a low-flow will use just under 50 litres. In addition to low-flow heads, short showers will  also save you tons of water, as will switching from baths to relatively short showers.

3. Use a Faucet Aerator

Faucet aerators are like a low-flow shower head for your faucets. They will help you save tons of water every year—without reducing much-needed water pressure.

4. Check your Toilet for Leaks

Toilet leaks, like faucet drips, may not sound like an environment-saving venture, but a leaky toilet can lose up to 1,800 litres of water every year. To check for leaks, drop a dye tablet in the bow and then follow the swirling colour to look for leaks.

5. Replace your Flapper

This suggestion will likely sound like the least-likely water-guzzling culprit on this list, but old and damaged toilet flappers are another major water waster. These can be easily replaced and can be purchased for a couple of dollars—which will quickly pay for itself in water savings.

For more environment-saving plumbing problems tips, and home-improving bathroom renovation tips—stay tuned to our Hayes Plumbing blog.

And of course for any plumbing emergencies, design jobs and top-notch water filtration—make Hayes your go-to source.

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