Why This Could Be the Year You Save Water at Home

drop of water from the tap Wassertropfen aus Wasserhahn

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Conserving water has become an important practice all over the world, even in those areas where water seems to be more than abundant. But still, we may be finding ourselves wondering if there’s anything else we could have done to save water. Well, this is a new year, and there’s nothing better than starting out right as another year starts. So 2017 may well be the year that you conserve water. Here are some tips to help you out:



  1. Take time to check if there’s a leak using your water meter. How do you do this? First, check the water meter, then ensure that no water is used in the whole house for two hours. After those two hours, check if the water meter reads the same. If not, then there is definitely a leak.
  2. Get water-saving shower heads and aerators for your bathroom. Additionally, try to limit your shower time to the number of minutes it actually takes you to soap up and rinse off. Long showers can use up to ten gallons of water that you could otherwise save.
  3. Avoid flushing trash down your toilet. Aside from the high probability of getting your toilet clogged up, you should know that each time you flush a tissue, a cigarette butt, or any other small trash in your toilet, you waste around five to seven gallons of water.
  4. Use food colouring to check for leaks in your toilet. You read right – food colouring. Put a little in your toilet tank. See if any colour appears in the bowl within 30 minutes even without flushing. If there is, then that leak needs to be immediately repairs.
  5. Reserve the use of your dishwasher and clothes washer for full loads. These appliances are now all automatic, and therefore should be fully loaded if you really want to conserve water. Most dishwashing soap manufacturers recommend not pre-rinsing and that actually helps you save more on your water. When using your clothes washer, if possible, avoid using the permanent press cycle which makes use of extra 20 liters for another rinse. You may also want to consider getting a frontload washer.


Aside from saving cash on your utility bill, conserving water helps avoid water pollution in nearby bodies of water. It can also prolong your septic system’s lifespan.


If you are ready to take on the challenge of conserving water this year and you need a professional to help you check for leaks, repair pipes, and install water-saving fixtures, you can always contact Hayes Plumbing! We are always happy to help you save water!

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